Greene County Foundation announces COVID-19 grants

The Greene County Foundation recently announced the awarding of over $90,000 in COVID-19 relief grants to 12 local nonprofit organizations. Recipients are:

• Bloomfield First Baptist Church Community Food Pantry

• Family Life Center

• Four Rivers Resource Services for rider fees

• The Hendricks County Child Advocacy Center dba Susie’s Place Advocacy Center-for Greene County residents

• Lebanon Baptist Church Food Pantry

• Linton Farmers’ Market-for market bucks

• Linton-Stockton Chamber of Commerce-for festival signage and hand sanitizer stations

• MSD of Shakamak-for masks and sanitizer sprayer drums

•Open Arms Christian Ministries-for technology equipment for virtual learning

• Pregnancy Choices

• Scotland Community Church Food Pantry

• SON Ministries-for food pantry and utility assistance

The COVID-19 relief funding was made possible through a generous grant by United Way of Monroe County, Indiana United Way and Lilly Endowment Inc. This grant cycle focused on organizations providing a direct service to their clients to address the local community’s immediate, basic, and essential needs.

The Greene County Foundation exists for charitable individuals to leave a lasting legacy to the community they love. Through the establishment of endowments, donors can support the local causes that are important to them for generations to come. The Greene County Foundation has had a charitable impact in every school, library, and community in Greene County and annually awards over a quarter-million dollars in grants through fund payouts, competitive grants, and student scholarships. 

For more information, visit or call (812) 659-3142.

View article on Greene County Daily World website. (Subscription required.)