Your gift makes a difference.
Your donations, and the earnings those donations incur, are the primary source of funding for the Foundation’s operations and grant-making. Through your tax-deductible donations, the Foundation exists to strengthen Greene County. Donations of any size can be targeted to any one of our existing funds, used to start a new fund, or used at the discretion of the Foundation for the community’s most important needs. As a donor, you decide what to support. These are our top priorities.
- Community Support FundAll unrestricted gifts are pooled and awarded to local causes based on the community’s most pressing needs. Grants may be awarded through a competitive grant process, used to expand or sustain existing organizations and projects, provide matching dollars for other grant opportunities, or support governmental projects. Donate Now
- ScholarshipsSpecial Achievement Scholarships help graduating seniors from Greene County; one scholarship is awarded for each high school. Growth of this fund, through contributions, would allow larger awards to each recipient, which would help combat the rising costs of higher education. Donate Now
- Greene County Operating EndowmentSupport the Greene County Foundation operational activities so we can continue to strengthen Greene County. Donate Now
- Other FundsDon’t see your favorite fund listed? Write in the name in the notes section to direct your gift to any of our existing funds. Donate Now