Women of Worth are outstanding women making a difference for Greene County.
The Women of Worth (WOW) Giving Circle had their formation meeting at a tea on April 12th and awarded their first grants. The circle, formed by the Greene County Foundation, recognizes the importance local women place on helping charitable causes throughout Greene County. Throughout our past, women have been integrally involved in establishing, maintaining and expanding many of our local charities. WOW will help continue that legacy of making a difference for Greene County. Through an annual contribution dollars are pooled and awarded to local charities that the WOW will select. This provides those in the group a chance to learn more about local needs and make a determination about those they wish to support for that grant cycle. The awards will be made annually and the $120 membership fee, which makes the awards possible, is collected throughout the year. Membership in WOW is open to anyone wishing to make a difference for the Greene County.
This year, WOW determine to award grants to the Jasonville Sr. Center, the Bloomfield Summer Lunch Program, and the Community Building renovation project at the 4-H Fairgrounds.