Established in 1997, the Greene County Foundation serves the people of the Greene County community as a public charity. A volunteer board of directors governs the Foundation, whose makeup is as diverse as the community it serves. The Foundation has more than $5 million in assets and has granted more than $10.5 million since its inception. Over the last 15 years, the Foundation has had a philanthropic impact on every school, town, city and informal community in Greene County through multiple forms of donation such as permanent endowments, special projects funds, trusts, memorials and honoraria. Donations of any size can be used to fund any of the endowed funds or scholarship funds. Look under the funds page for a complete listing. Support of the unrestricted fund allows the foundation to focus grants on the most immediate community needs which as we all know can change from year to year. Donations of cash, stock, real estate, life insurance, etc can be converted to address community needs, and all donations are tax deductible. The mission of the Greene County Foundation is to inspire individuals to engage in improving Greene County now and for generations to come.